Friday, March 18, 2016

Whacked Out Emotions Can Cause Binge Eating and/or Obesity

Emotions have a lot to do with one’s weight.  Learning to face emotions and deal with them on a healthy level is important to one losing weight.  Undealt with emotions can keep you fat.  And as you seek to lose weight, undealt with emotions can hinder your having control over your habits.  And so, getting in tune with how you feel at the moment, and processing those feelings are important for one to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight.

Here is an example of mine:  When I was 19, I experienced great emotional pain when a guy who was dating me for almost a year, stopped communicating with me.  I had fell in love with him, and I was greatly hurt and confused.  I did not know how to process these emotions, and so I began over eating to cover up the pain.  I did it automatically.  At the time, I did not understand what was happening, and I did not know how to process the pain I had experienced. 

This overeating that I did was intense.  It was as if I was keeping myself drugged to keep myself from feeling the pain, and it was like a slow suicide.  It was a horrible existence that continued on for a good 10 years.  And I thank God that He helped me and guided me on how to stop myself from overeating and face my feelings so that I could heal and live a normal life again.  It was a process to change my way of thinking, and to restore my eating habits back to normal.

During this period of my overeating, I did not throw up, but I would drink prune juice, and fast the day after binge eating, on top of extra exercising.  The problem was that within a day or two I would be back to binge eating all over again.  The problem was that I was not dealing with the pain inside of me, and so the binge eating continued on.  

I have overcome the horrible cycle of binge eating, and so can you.  One of my most favorite versus is, “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind," (Romans 12:2).  Changing your way of thinking, facing your bent up pain, and gaining control over your habits can set you free from binge eating.  “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me,” (Philippians 4:13).  

You see, we are mental, spiritual, physical, and emotional beings.  If our emotions get out of whack, it can show up physically in the form of fat, bad habits, or illness.  However, we can use our minds to seek spiritual help.  Spiritual power can give us the strength, motivation, and wisdom to overcome binge eating.  Daily spiritual food is needed, just as we need physical food daily.  By my loving this guy more than God, I was starving my spiritual side.  Not until I sincerely sought God on a daily basis was He able to help set me free from the pain that had me all tied up.  He helped me to understand what had caused the pain, how to face it, and pass through it.  “The truth shall set you free,” (John 8:32).

I now know how to deal with pain.  I was never taught, or knew how to.  It was a long hard lesson.  I now want to pass that lesson onto others.  Through giving and helping others, we are blessed.  And everything you overcome, you are then better able to help others through it too.  It is awesome!  You can break free just as I did through seeking spiritual help.  And we are blessed when we help each other.  I am here to give you my experience, so that your lesson does not have to be as long and difficult as mine.

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