Friday, January 1, 2016

Guidlines to Lose Weight through Lifestyle Change

My weight loss program can help you to:
  • Shed pounds
  • Overcome depression
  • Stop emotional eating
  • Increase your energy
I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Nutrition California State University, Northridge. I also attended Weimar College, which has a lifestyle changing program called New Start. At this college, I learned how to help people change their habits so that they can have healthier lifestyles.  In addition, I finished a Master degree in Business Administration, with an emphasis in Healthcare.

I personally have overcome depression, emotional eating, and being overweight. From my education and life experiences, I have developed a weight loss program that works. It also includes overcoming depression and emotional eating, depending on what you need help with.  The program is called SURF'N EAT Weight Loss.  Don't let the name fool you, the SURF'N EAT Weight Loss Program is not about surfing.  It is for anyone who wants to lose weight.  It is about having healthy & lasting weight loss results, through developing healthy, lifestyle habits.

Sometimes we get in ruts in life and need a nudge to get over the hump, and back on the track of living.  That is what my program is  here for, to get you back on the track of living and enjoying life to its fullest.  Being healthy (mentally, physically, emotionally, & spiritually), will lead you to being beautiful, inside and out.  And that includes being at your ideal weight. 

SURF'N EAT is an acronym for the following "true remedies."
  • S-unshine
  • U-se of water
  • R-est
  • F-resh air
  • 'N-utrition

  • E-xercise
  • A-bstinousness
  • T-rust in divine power, (E.G. White).
One main focus of the SURF'N EAT Weight Loss Program is to help you lose weight the healthy way.  Learning how to incorporate these natural remedies into your daily routine, is away for you to develop healthy, lifestyle habits.  This is a good foundation and stepping stone to your being healthy while losing weight at the same time.

The SURF'N EAT Weight Loss Program includes teaching you strategies to help you overcome binge eating, depression, emotional eating, and obestiy.  This program helps you learn life skill strategies to help you better transform your life.  You have to do the work, however, we provide information and give you support and guidance.  Real change takes time.  And so, the focus is for you to take steady, baby steps towards reaching your goals.  You may not reach your ultimate goals instantly, but you will have a firm foundation going in its direction.  Remember, SURF'N EAT is about having healthy & lasting weight loss results, through developing healthy, lifestyle habits.

Here is a picture you can put in your mind to help you understand, feel good about, and remember the natural remedies better: 

Picture yourself resting on the shore of a gorgeous beach, drinking ice cold water, breathing in the fresh beach air, and taking in the warm, sunshine.  You are resting from surfing all morning.  It felt good to ride the surf and experience the sparkling water cooling you from the hot sun.  It felt good to exercise your muscles as you surfed, now it feels good to rest.  You then are hungry, and decide to eat a nutritious lunch you had packed before you came to the beach.  As you eat, you take your time, and enjoy the different flavors and tastes of the food. 

Next, you are thankful for the beauty surrounding you, your healthy body, and the wholesome food.  This leads you to bow your head and thank divine power for all these gifts.  You are experiencing all of these delightful sights, sounds, and feelings because you have been practicing the natural remedies outlined above (SURF'N EAT).  You see, as you obey the natural laws of the universe, you are blessed with good health.  When you don't the results are poor health.  And how do you obey the natural laws, you ask and trust divine power for help.  Divine power helps us to practice abstemiousness, and have control over our habits.

As you live your life use this acronym, SURF'N EAT, for natural remedies, to check to see if you are living a healthy lifestyle.  Ask yourself: How many of the "true remedies" am I incorporating and practicing in my life?  You can then make changes accordingly.  The SURF'N EAT acronym, for the natural remedies, is a good guideline to keep you on track to developing healthy, lifestyle habits.

The SURF'N EAT Weight Loss Program has two main packages.  The "Intense" package, and the "Touch-Up" package.
  • The "Intense" package is for 12 weeks, and it includes weekly coaching sessions, meal planning, and 2 day meal, nutrient intake analysis, and unlimited email support.  This program is for people who need guidance and support in developing healthy lifestyle habits.  To learn more click here.
  • The "Touch-Up" package is for 8 weeks, and it includes two monthly coaching sessions, meal planning, and 2 day meal, nutrient intake analysis, and unlimited email support.  This program is for people who don't need as much guidance and support, or has gone through the "Intense" program, and still needs some support.  To learn more, click here.  

Amy looks forward to helping you become fitter, slimmer, and healthier, so that you are better able to accomplish your goals, and create the life you want. 

Or call:  (541) 787-4141

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