Thursday, November 19, 2015

The Benefits of a Vegan Diet (No Meat, Dairy, or Refined Sugar)
Fruits, Grains, Nuts, & Legumes! 
When I was 17 years old, I experienced many health and beauty benefits when I went on a complete vegan diet (no dairy or refined sugar).  I was already healthy in that I was young, jogged 3 miles daily, was already vegetarian, and ate very little sugar.  What I experienced was more energy, feeling even healthier, I did not need to wear deodorant any more, all pimples on my back and face completely went away, and, I did not have cramps during my periods anymore. 
When I was 15 years old and started jogging, I felt great.  Then, going on this vegan diet at 17 years old, made me feel even doubly good.  And so, because of this experience, I have been sold on the vegan diet.  Now, when I began the vegan diet, it was provided to me at a small Christian college I attended.  When I went to live on my own, it was not as easy to follow a vegan diet.  I have veered off of the diet through eating dairy products, sugar, and not as much vegetables as I should.  However, because I have experienced the benefits of a complete vegan diet, I always try to go back to it.  Two cook books I recommend for anyone wanting to become vegan are:  The WeimarInstitute’s NEWSTART Cookbook, and 10 Talents Cookbook.  Weimar College is the small college that taught me to be a vegan, and the NEWSTART Cookbook has the actual recipes used at the school to serve its students and faculty.  I absolutely loved the meals served at that college.  The 10 Talents Cook Book is similarly good, with even more, great vegan recipes.    
Learn, grow, and shine!  Amy Summer
 ........................Please give me feedback or questions in comments below.  I want to know how I can better help my readers! 

Have you had good or bad experiences with a vegan diet?  Share your story.

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